No Worries Guarantee

We do returns differently than most.

We get it - You're about to purchase something you can't smell until you have it in hand. To make sure you're happy no matter what, we will make it right at any time, no matter what. 

Not everyone loves the same scents. If your selection isn't your vibe, exchange it for a different scent or simply return it for your money back. Here are more examples: 

- Mailman dunks the package on your porch. We will replace it.

- Gremlins steal your order off your porch. We will replace it. 

- Candle melts in your mailbox. We will replace it.

- Dog eats your candle. Send us a photo of your dog...and you should probably go to the vet asap. (oh, and we'll also replace it). 

...You get the idea.


Need to start a return, replace, or exchange?

Just shoot a message to with your order number and item details, and we will get back to you as soon as possible to make arrangements.